- 戰略定位
- Strategic Positioning
- 專家形象,解決方案導向,全球視野,高端定位;提供出入口控制系統整體解決方案;
- Expert image, solution oriented, global vision, high-end positioning, the overall solution of the entrance control system;
- 我們的愿景
- 融合全球先進技術和產品資源,打造成中國最好的出入口通道控制系統產品及方案解決平臺
- Integration of the world is advanced technology and product resources, to create China is best access control system products and solutions platform
- 核心的價值
- Core Value
- 先解后利,誠實守信,追求卓越,合作共贏
- After the first solution, honest and trustworthy, the pursuit of excellence, cooperation and win-win